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Banafshe Dormanesh

Professor, AJA University School of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Title: A Model for analyzing the results of Surfactant administration in neonatal wards


Biography: Banafshe Dormanesh


Surfactant has been increasingly popular for treatment of diverse neonatal pulmonary diseases including respiratory distress syndrome; many questions are still unsolved regarding its efficacy, short term and long term side effects though.This researched was aimed to investigate all neonates treated by Surfactant in Khanevadeh hospital from 2011 to 2014 and follow them up to 6 months of age on a historical cohort model.72 neonates got the fitting criteria with a mean gestational age, birth weight and admission duration of 2153, 33.5 and 15.4 respectively. 56.9% were treated by Survanta and Curousurf was prescribed for others. Death rate calculates to be 29.1% and 20.8% patients suffered from pneumothorax as a major side effect. Curosurf acted worse as it caused significantly longer admission and ventilation duration and higher pneumothorax probability. Incidence of lower respiratory tract infections under 6 months of age is measured 15.8% which is significantly more than total population.Regarding to this research, general outcome of this treatment module in Khanevadeh hospital is equal to national statistics and still not in the order of international ones. Survanta showed better outcomes comparing to Curosurf. Risk of lower respiratory tract infections under 6 months of age was higher after treating surfactants eventually